Project tool now available for all interested parties!

Following a pilot phase, the Building Material Scout planning and project tool is now available to all interested parties.
Sustainable project planning and uncomplicated building product documentation with Building Material Scout: Communication with multiple parties is always a challenge. Frequent inquiries or a lack of information often unnecessarily delay the progress of construction projects – and if they are also to be sustainable, the search for suitable products makes things even more difficult.
The planning and project tool from Building Material Scout offers a simple way of keeping all project participants up to date and not losing sight of the common project goal. On the other hand, Building Material Scout takes care of researching the sustainability information for you. All the information you need for certification is therefore already available on the platform.
In the BMS project tool, all project information is collected in one place and can be accessed and viewed by all trades at the same time. You also have the option of creating lead product lists to speed up product and material selection during the course of the project. Product information, planning and construction processes and building products used can be documented and retrieved quickly and easily. And if information is still missing, the BMS Assessment Service will help you to obtain the missing sustainability information and required certificates.
The Building Material Scout not only bundles project-related information, but also optimizes communication by directly networking all those involved. This saves time and nerves in communication, product searches and verification management!
We offer regular webinars on the use of the project tool, please contact us if you are interested. >> Contact us