Product Stories

Here you can find out more about the use of sustainable building products and the latest on product requirements from building certification systems.

Datenblaetter von nortec
Product Stories

NORTEC raised floors

Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Silver products that leave no waste Lindner products are developed and produced for the longest possible technical service life with optimized use of resources.

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DESSO AirMaster Gold
Product Stories

DESSO AirMaster Gold

has been awarded Cradle to Cradle® Gold certification DESSO AirMaster collection from Tarkett Tarkett has been pursuing the principle of a true circular economy for over 10 years.

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Gesünderer Komfort für Mensch und Umwelt. Heller Raum.
Product Stories

Healthier comfort

for people and the environment Cradle to Cradle® certified heating and cooling ceilings from Lindner “Products that leave no waste and therefore remain in a closed cycle.”

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