Golden M seal of approval
Here you will find information about the Golden M!

Golden M - test mark for furniture
The “golden M quality mark” for furniture is a seal of quality awarded by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM). It identifies furniture that meets certain quality standards and has been manufactured with safety, environmental compatibility and health in mind.
Award criteria for the Golden M-mark
Here are typical award criteria for the Golden M Quality Mark:
- Safety: The furniture must comply with the applicable safety standards and guidelines, in particular with regard to stability, load-bearing capacity and avoiding the risk of injury.
- Environmental compatibility: The materials and manufacturing processes of the furniture must be environmentally friendly and must not contain any substances that are harmful to health. This includes consideration of emission values and environmental impact.
- Health compatibility: Care is taken to ensure that the furniture is harmless to health and does not release any harmful substances into the indoor air that could endanger the health of users.
- Quality and durability: The furniture must be of high quality, robust and durable. This also includes aspects such as the quality of workmanship and the durability of the furniture.
- Certification and testing: Manufacturers must have their furniture tested by independent testing institutes to prove compliance with the specified criteria. The results of these tests are decisive for the award of the quality mark.
Emission requirements for the award of the Golden M test mark
Information on the emission requirements/limit values can be found on the website. Click here for an overview of the product groups and the respective test criteria. There is a separate document for each product group in which you can view product-specific tables on the emission requirements.
The Golden M test mark is suitable for the following product groups:
The golden M quality mark for furniture from Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM) is suitable for various product groups of furniture that must meet certain quality standards. The quality mark stands for furniture that has been manufactured with safety, environmental compatibility, health and durability in mind.
Typical product groups for which the golden M quality mark is suitable include:
- Living room furniture: This includes furniture for the living room, dining room, bedroom as well as wardrobes and hallway furniture.
- Office furniture: Furniture intended for use in offices, such as desks, office chairs, filing cabinets and office shelving.
- Kitchen furniture: This includes kitchen cabinets, worktops, kitchen tables and chairs and other kitchen furnishings
- Garden furniture: furniture intended for outdoor use, such as garden chairs, tables, sun loungers and lounge furniture.
- Special furniture: The golden M quality mark can also be awarded for specialized furniture groups, such as children’s furniture, furniture for public facilities or for the contract sector.
Golden M: Certification body
The Golden M – test mark for furniture is awarded by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM). The DGM is the authoritative organization responsible for setting quality standards and awarding the quality mark for furniture in Germany.
Costs for the Golden M test mark
To obtain precise information about the cost of certification with the Golden M test mark, it is best to contact the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM) directly, as the costs vary depending on the type of furniture, the scope of the tests and other factors.
Is the Golden M test mark mandatory?
No, the use of the Golden M test mark for furniture is not mandatory. This is a voluntary quality mark awarded by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM). Manufacturers can choose to have their products certified according to the Golden M criteria in order to demonstrate the quality, safety, environmental compatibility and durability of their furniture.
The Golden M serves as a guide for consumers who want to buy high-quality, tested furniture. It ensures that the labeled furniture has passed strict tests and inspections. Manufacturers that carry the Golden M can thus demonstrate their commitment to high quality standards and customer satisfaction.
Although it is not a legal requirement, Golden M certification can be beneficial for manufacturers as it increases customer confidence and is a marketing tool for promoting the quality and safety of their products.
Recognition of the Golden M test mark in other certification systems
The Golden M certification mark is available on the website of the DGNB website under the reference labels. DGNB comprehensively assesses the sustainability of buildings, including the materials and furniture used. The Golden M can be evaluated positively as it ensures that furniture meets strict quality and environmental standards, which contributes to the achievement of DGNB criteria, especially in the area of health and ecological quality.
BREEAM also assesses the environmental compatibility and sustainability of buildings. Furniture with the Golden M can contribute to fulfilling the BREEAM criteria by being considered environmentally friendly and harmless to health.