The CO2 value: limit values and specifications in certification systems

CO₂-Emissionen als wichtigster Richtwert für die Baubranche?

Data from the EPD on the life cycle and CO₂ emissions of the listed building products is now available in the Building Material Scout database.

CO₂ emissions as the most important benchmark for the construction industry?

Reducing CO₂ emissions is of great importance for achieving our climate targets. Germany wants to be greenhouse gas-neutral by 2050, and the interim targets have been tightened once again: by 2030, 65% (previously 55%) and by 2040, 88% fewer CO2 greenhouse gases are to be emitted compared to 1990 levels.

In Germany, the building sector accounts for a significant proportion of emissions – and according to a study conducted by the DGNB in 2021, a good third of all greenhouse gas emissions from a building are generated before it is even used. The planning phase is therefore the time to lay the foundations for a low-emission building. The construction method, components with a large mass (ceilings, external walls and the foundation) and the building materials used, as well as their service life, contribute significantly to the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of a building.

In order to effectively enforce reductions in this area, more and more certification systems, sustainability seals and funding systems are also anchoring CO₂ target values in their project requirements with maximum values or extra points for a life cycle or embodied carbon analysis.

Choosing low-emission building products is now more important than ever – for sustainable buildings and spaces that help to stop climate change!

Overview of the CO₂ requirements of the EU taxonomy and certification systems:

EU taxonomy

  • No specific limit value
  • CO₂ risks must be recorded and mapped (life cycle assessment)
  • Buildings with an area of > 5000 m²: GWP in the life cycle must be calculated


  • The current CO₂ reference value of the DGNB is 9.4kg CO₂e/m²a


  • No specific limit value
  • BREEAM points are calculated individually for each element based on the life cycle greenhouse gas emission data (kgCO₂e)


  • No specific limit value
  • Global warming potential must be mapped in CO₂e
  • LCA value must be at least 5 % lower than for a baseline building

NH class / QNG

The greenhouse gas emissions determined in the building life cycle may not exceed

  • 28kg CO₂ e/m² a (QNG-PLUS) or
  • 20kg CO₂ e/m² a (QNG-PREMIUM) are

BEG funding

  • The requirement value for residential buildings is based on the QNG-Plus guideline value of 28 kg CO₂ e/m² a
  • The CO₂ guideline value for non-residential buildings is dynamic

The Building Material Scout database provides you with data from the EPD on the life cycle and CO₂ emissions of the listed building products.

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