Our services for your construction project in terms of sustainable building products
The Building Material Scout connects all those responsible for a construction project and simplifies communication and planning. As a manufacturer, your products can be integrated early on in the planning process. Planners & architects have easy access to certified products for project planning and the possibility to contact manufacturers directly.
Plan, evaluate & document building products digitally.
Paperless and time-saving.

For planners, architects,
construction companies & clients
The trend towards green buildings is growing. They often have significantly higher quality than required by law. Different certification systems for construction products, buildings and industrial and urban districts not only increase the complexity, but also the effort involved in planning. The Building Material Scout offers planners and building owners a smart project tool for product searches, planning and documentation.

For product manufacturers
Many ingredients used in building products that are harmful to people and the environment will be banned in the foreseeable future. The trend is increasingly moving towards green building and will demand healthy, sustainable and smart products from manufacturers in the future. With the certification of your products through our assessment service, you create significant added value for project planning & documentation.
The Building Material Scout was used in these construction projects
The Cradle – Düsseldorf In the spirit of the circular economy, building elements are reversibly connected so that they can be recycled after use. In addition, healthy and fully recyclable building products are used or even leased from the manufacturer for their service life – THE CRADLE thus becomes a material depot. The “Material Passport” lists all the materials used, which provides precise information about the available depot and for subsequent dismantling.
Quartier Heidestrasse – Berlin Project duration: 2014 – 2023 175,000 m² floor area DGNB certification Digitization consulting Documentation of building products
Obere Waldplätze 12 – Stuttgart The planning and consulting company Drees & Sommer SE is constructing a unique administration building at its headquarters in Stuttgart-Vaihingen that meets all modern requirements for environmental friendliness and digitalization. The so-called “PlusEnergyHouse” is designed to generate more energy than it consumes during operation. A newly developed, highly insulating façade construction, photovoltaic systems on the roof and on the south façade, geothermal energy via geothermal boreholes and a green north façade help to achieve this. The architecture was designed by SCD Architekten Ingenieure GmbH from Stuttgart. The investment for the four-storey plus-energy building, which will provide new jobs for 200 employees, will amount to around 22 million euros. The 20 m high…
The end-to-end documentation process from the planner to the construction company to the product manufacturer makes the platform ideal for project documentation. More than 30 major construction projects are currently being realized with Building Material Scout.