natureplus® quality mark

Here you can find information about the natureplus® quality mark!

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natureplus® quality mark

The natureplus® quality mark is a European environmental label for building products that sets high standards for environmental compatibility, health protection and sustainability.
It was developed to identify environmentally friendly building products that are harmless to health and thus promote sustainable construction.
The natureplus® quality mark is recognized by various players in the construction industry and is accepted in many municipal funding programmes.

Award criteria for the natureplus® quality mark

The natureplus® quality label has a number of overarching award criteria/basic storage guidelines.
Specific award criteria relating to individual products or product groups can be found here.
Documents with more detailed information on the basic guidelines can also be found there.

The following is a rough list of the basic storage guidelines:

  • RL5001 Chemicals Directive:
    Above-average safety is required with regard to environmental and health hazards.
    There are lists of prohibited substances that certified products must not contain.
  • RL5002 Timber extraction and provenance:
    Ensuring sustainable and responsible timber management.
  • RL5003 Nature conservation during the extraction of mineral raw materials:
    Requirements for the protection of the natural environment during the extraction of raw materials.
  • RL5004 Transparency and social responsibility:
    Promotion of transparency and social standards in production.
  • RL5010 Low-emission building products:
    Limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and other pollutants.
  • RL5020 Climate compatibility and energy efficiency:
    Requirements for reducing energy consumption and CO₂ emissions in the manufacture and use of products.

The natureplus® quality mark is suitable for the following product groups:

  • Insulation materials made from renewable raw materials
  • Wood and wood-based materials
  • External thermal insulation composite systems
  • Insulation materials made from expanded, expanded or foamed mineral raw materials
  • Roof tiles and roof tiles
  • Wall colors
  • Surface coatings made from renewable raw materials (varnishes, glazes, oils, waxes)
  • Plasters, mortars and mineral adhesives
  • Adhesives made from renewable raw materials
  • Drywall panels
  • Wall and casing bricks
  • Resilient floor coverings
  • Textile floor coverings
  • Wooden doors
  • Waterproofing made from renewable raw materials
  • Wall coverings – Wallpaper
  • Components/components

natureplus® quality mark: Certification body

The certification body for the natureplus® quality mark is the natureplus Institute SCE mbH.
This organization carries out the tests and certifications in accordance with the specified award guidelines.
On the official website, you can request certification directly here or contact us if you have any questions about the certification process.
You can find information about the test procedure here.

Costs for the natureplus® quality mark

The costs for the natureplus® quality mark can vary depending on the type and scope of certification.
These include the testing of product ingredients, laboratory tests, inspection of the production site and the preparation of a life cycle assessment of the production process.
Exact costs are determined individually and can be requested directly from natureplus.

Is the natureplus® quality mark mandatory?

The use of the natureplus® quality label in the construction industry is not mandatory.
It is a voluntary environmental label that can be used by manufacturers to indicate the environmental compatibility and sustainability of their building products.
Companies generally opt for certification in order to gain a competitive advantage and to document the high health, environmental and sustainability standards of their products.

Recognition of the natureplus® quality mark for certification systems

The demanding seal is recognized as proof by major building certification systems such as DGNB, BREEAM, LEED and BNB.
natureplus-certified building products are QNG-compliant and therefore meet the requirements of the Federal Subsidy for Efficient Buildings (BEG).

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