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Gebäudezertifizierungs Kriterien WELL

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die WELL Zertifizierungskriterien für Gebäude ​

WELL Kriterien

Der WELL Building Standard® ist eine Initiative des International WELL Building Institute pbc (IWBI), die 2014 eingeführt wurde. Sie umfasst zehn Kategorien, die als Konzepte bezeichnet werden (WELL v2). Jedes Konzept beinhaltet zahlreiche Kriterien, die verschiedene Aspekte der physischen und mentalen Gesundheit, des Komforts und des Gemeinschaftsgefühls der Nutzer adressieren. Die 10 Gebäudezertifizierungskriterien sind:


  • Raumluftqualität (Air): Sicherstellung der Innenraumluftqualität durch Minimierung von Schadstoffen
  • Wasserqualität (Water): Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser
  • Ernährung (Nourishment): Förderung gesunder Ernährung
  • VisuellerComfort (Light): Natürliches und künstliches Licht für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden und zur Verbesserung der Produktivität
  • Bewegung (Movement): Förderung körperlicher Aktivität
  • Thermischer Komfort (Thermal Comfort): Sicherstellung angenehmer Raumtemperaturen für alle Nutzer
  • Raum- und Bauakustik (Sound): Kontrolle von Lärmpegeln zur Reduktion von Stress und Steigerung der Konzentration
  • Emissionsarme und ressourcenschonende Baumaterialien (Materials): Verwendung schadstofffreier und nachhaltiger Materialien
  • Zufriedenheit, Ausgelichenheit (Mind): Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens
  • Gemeinschaft (Community): Förderung sozialer Interaktionen und Gemeinschaftsgefühl


Diese Kriterien zielen darauf ab, eine ganzheitliche Umgebung zu schaffen, die die physische und psychische Gesundheit sowie das Wohlbefinden der Gebäudenutzer unterstützt.

AIR – LUFT: Ein optimales Innenraumklima schaffen, um Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden des Gebäudenutzers zu fördern.
A01. Fundamental Air Quality
P A01.1 Meet Thresholds for Particulate Matter
A01.2 Meet Thresholds for Organic Gases
A01.3 Meet Thresholds for Inorganic Gases
A01.4 Meet Radon Threshold
A01.5 Monitor Fundamental Air Parameters
A02. Smoke-Free Environment
P A02.1 Prohibit Indoor Smoking
A02.2 Prohibit Outdoor Smoking
A03. Ventilation Effectiveness
P A03.1 Ensure Adequate Ventilation
A03.2 Conduct System Balancing
A04. Construction Pollution Management
P A04.1 Mitigate Construction Pollution
A05. Enhanced Air Quality
O A05.1 / 2 Points Meet Enhanced Thresholds for Particulate Matter
A05.2 / 1 Points Meet Enhanced Thresholds for Organic Gases
A05.3 / 1 Points Meet Enhanced Thresholds for Inorganic Gases
A06. Enhanced Ventilation
O A06.1 / 3 Points Increase Outdoor Air Supply
A06.2 / 3 Points Implement Demand-Controlled Ventilation
A06.3 / 1 Points Implement Displacement Ventilation
A06.4 / 3 Points Implement Advanced Air Distribution
A07. Operable Windows
O A07.1 / 1 Points Provide Operable Windows
A07.2 / 1 Points Manage Window Use
A07.3 / 1 Points Apply Universal Design to Windows
A08. Air Quality Monitoring and Awareness
O A08.1 / 1 Points Implement Indoor Air Monitors
A08.2 / 1 Points Promote Air Quality Awareness
A09. Pollution Infiltration Management
O A09.1 / 1 Points Design Healthy Envelope and Entryways
A10. Combustion Minimization
O A10.1 / 1 Points Manage Combustion
A11. Source Separation
O A11.1 / 1 Points Manage Pollution and Exhaust
A12. Air Filtration
O A12.1 / 1 Points Implement Particle Filtration
A13. Active VOC Control
O A13.1 / 1 Points Implement Carbon Filtration
A14. Microbe and Mold Control
O A14.1 / 1 Points Implement Ultraviolet Air Treatment
A14.2 / 1 Points Manage Condensation and Mold
WATER – WASSER: Durch sachgemäße Filtrierung und andere Verfahren sauberes Wasser gewährleisten.
W01. Fundamental Water Quality
P W01.1 Meet Sediment Thresholds
W01.2 Meet Microorganisms Thresholds
W01.3 Monitor Fundamental Water Parameters
W02. Water Contaminants
P W02.1 Meet Dissolved Metal Thresholds
W02.2 Meet Organic Pollutant Thresholds
W02.3 Meet Disinfectant Byproducts Thresholds
W02.4 Meet Herbicide and Pesticide Thresholds
W02.5 Meet Fertilizer Thresholds
W02.6 Meet Public Water Additive Thresholds
W02.7 Monitor Water Contaminant Parameters
W03. Legionella Control
P W03.1 Implement Legionella Management Plan
W04. Enhanced Water Quality
O W04.1 / 1 Points Meet Drinking Water Taste Properties
W05. Water Quality Consistency
O W05.1 / 1 Points Test and Display Water Quality
W05.2 / 1 Points Filter Drinking Water
W06. Drinking Water Promotion
O W06.1 / 1 Points Ensure Drinking Water Access
W07. Moisture Management
O W07.1 / 1 Points Manage Exterior Liquid Water
W07.2 / 1 Points Isolate Moisture-sensitive Materials
W07.3 / 1 Points Manage Interior Liquid Water
W08. Handwashing
O W08.1 / 1 Points Provide Adequate Sink
W08.2 / 1 Points Provide Handwashing Support
W09. β – Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse
O W09.1 / 1 Points Implement Safety Plan for Non-Potable Water Capture and Reuse
NOURISHMENT – NAHRUNG: Zugang zu frischen und gesunden Lebensmitteln schaffen und dabei ungesunde Essensangebote reduzieren.
N01. Fruits and Vegetables
P N01.1 Ensure Fruit and Vegetable Availability
N01.2 Promote Fruit and Vegetable Visibility
N02. Nutritional Transparency
P N02.1 Provide Nutritional Information
N02.2 Implement Ingredient Labeling
N02.3 Implement Refined Ingredient Labeling
N03. Refined Ingredients
O N03.1 / 1 Points Limit Total Sugars
N03.2 / 1 Points Promote Whole Grains
N03.3 / 1 Points Manage Oils
N04. Food Advertising
O N04.1 / 1 Points Promote Healthy Nutritional Messaging
N04.2 / 1 Points Implement Healthy Menu Design
N05. Artificial Ingredients
O N05.1 / 1 Points Restrict Artificial Ingredients
N06. Portion Sizes
O N06.1 / 1 Points Promote Healthy Portions
N07. Nutrition Education
O N07.1 / 1 Points Provide Nutrition Education
N08. Mindful Eating
O N08.1 / 1 Points Include Designated Eating Space
N08.2 / 1 Points Provide Daily Meal Breaks
N09. Special Diets
O N09.1 / 1 Points Manage Allergies and Alternatives
N09.2 / 1 Points Implement Enhanced Ingredient Labeling
N10. Food Preparation
O N10.1 / 1 Points Provide Meal Support
N11. Responsible Food Sourcing
O N11.1 / 1 Points Implement Responsible Sourcing
N12. Food Production
O N12.1 / 1 Points Provide Gardening Space
N12.2 / 1 Points Provide Planting Support
N13. Local Food Environment
O N13.1 / 1 Points Ensure Food Access
LIGHT – LICHT: Durch verschiedene Lichtlösungen die Beeinträchtigungen des zirkadianen Systems minimieren, die Produktivität und Aufmerksamkeit steigern und geeignete Sichtverhältnisse schaffen.
L01. Light Exposure and Education
P L01.1 Ensure Indoor Light Exposure
L01.2 Promote Lighting Education
L02. Visual Lighting Design
P L02.1 Light Levels for Visual Acuity
L03. Circadian Lighting Design
O L03.1 / 3 Points Lighting for the Circadian System
L04. Glare Control
O L04.1 / 2 Points Control Solar Glare
L04.2 / 2 Points Manage Glare from Electric Lighting
L05. Enhanced Daylight Access
O L05.1 / 1 Points Implement Enhanced Daylight Plan
L05.2 / 2 Points Implement Enhanced Daylight Simulation
L05.3 / 1 Points Ensure Views
L06. Visual Balance
O L06.1 / 1 Points Manage Brightness
L07. Electric Light Quality
O L07.1 / 1 Points Ensure Color Rendering Quality
L07.2 / 1 Points Manage Flicker
L08. Occupant Control of Lighting Environments
O L08.1 / 1 Points Enhance Occupant Controllability
L08.2 / 1 Points Provide Supplemental Lighting
MOVEMENT – BEWEGUNG: Bewegung und Fitness in den Arbeitsalltag integrieren.
V01. Active Buildings and Communities
P V01.1 Design Active Buildings and Communities
V02. Visual and Physical Ergonomics
P V02.1 Support Visual Ergonomics
V02.2 Ensure Desk Height Flexibility
V02.3 Ensure Seat Flexibility
V02.4 Provide Standing Support
V02.5 Provide Ergonomics Education
V03. Movement Network and Circulation
O V03.1 / 1 Points Design Aesthetic Circulation Networks
V03.2 / 1 Points Integrate Point-of-Decision Signage
V03.3 / 1 Points Promote Visible Stairs
V04. Active Commuter and Occupant Support
O V04.1 / 2 Points Provide Bicycle Storage
V04.2 / 2 Points Provide Facilities for Active Occupants
V05. Site Planning and Selection
O V05.1 / 2 Points Select Sites with Diverse Uses
V05.2 / 2 Points Select Sites with Access to Mass Transit
V05.3 / 2 Points Select Sites with Pedestrian Friendly Streets
V05.4 / 2 Points Select Sites with Bike Friendly Streets
V06. Physical Activity Opportunities
O V06.1 / 2 Points Implement Activity Programs for Employees
V06.2 / 2 Points Implement Activity Programs for Students
V07. Active Furnishings
O V07.1 / 2 Points Provide Active Workstations
V08. Physical Activity Spaces and Equipment
O V08.1 / 1 Points Provide Dedicated Activity Spaces
V08.2 / 1 Points Provide Physical Activity Equipment
V08.3 / 1 Points Provide Off-Site Activity Spaces
V09. Exterior Active Design
O V09.1 / 1 Points Integrate Active Façades
V09.2 / 1 Points Provide On-Site Pedestrian Destinations
V10. Enhanced Ergonomics
O V10.1 / 1 Points Utilize Ergonomic Consultation
V11. Physical Activity Promotion
O V11.1 / 1 Points Promote Physical Activity
V11.2 / 1 Points Promote Participation Awareness
V12. Self-Monitoring
O V12.1 / 1 Points Provide Self-Monitoring Tools
THERMAL COMFORT – THERMISCHER KOMFORT: Eine Innenraumumgebung schaffen, die angenehm und komfortabel ist und die Produktivität des Nutzers steigert.
T01. Thermal Performance
P T01.1 Support Thermal Environment
T01.2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
T02. Enhanced Thermal Performance
O T02.1 / 1 Points Enhance Thermal Environment
T02.2 / 3 Points Achieve Thermal Comfort
T03. Thermal Zoning
O T03.1 / 2 Points Ensure Thermostat Control
T03.2 / 1 Points Promote Free Address
T04. Individual Thermal Control
O T04.1 / 3 Points Ensure Personal Thermal Comfort
T04.2 / 1 Points Facilitate Thermal Adaptation
T05. Radiant Thermal Comfort
O T05.1 / 1 Points Implement Radiant Systems
T05.2 / 1 Points Implement Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems
T06. Thermal Comfort Monitoring
O T06.1 / 1 Points Monitor Thermal Environment
T07. Humidity Control
O T07.1 / 1 Points Manage Relative Humidity
SOUND – AKKUSTISCHER KOMFORT: Eine Innenraumumgebung schaffen, die ablenkungsfrei und komfortabel ist und die Produktivität des Nutzers steigert.
S01. Sound Mapping
P S01.1 Manage Background Noise Level
S01.2 Manage Acoustical Privacy
S01.3 Label Acoustic Zones
S02. Maximum Noise Levels
O S02.1 / 3 Points Limit Background Noise Levels
S03. Sound Barriers
O S03.1 / 2 Points Ensure Adequate Wall Construction
S03.2 / 1 Points Ensure Proper Door Specifications
S04. Sound Absorption
O S04.1 / 1 Points Meet Thresholds for Reverberation Time
S04.2 / 1 Points Implement Sound Reducing Ceilings
S04.3 / 1 Points Implement Sound Reducing Vertical Surfaces
S05. Sound Masking
O S05.1 / 2 Points Implement Sound Masking
S06. β – Impact Noise Management
O S06.1 / 1 Points Specify Impact Noise Reducing Flooring
S06.2 / 2 Points Meet Thresholds for Impact Noise Rating
MATERIALS – MATERIALIEN: Die Gesundheitsbelastung durch bedenkliche Baustoffbestandteile verringern oder verhindern und diese Bestandteile durch unbedenkliche ersetzen.
X01. Fundamental Material Precautions
P X01.1 Restrict Asbestos
X01.2 Limit Mercury
X01.3 Restrict Lead
X02. Hazardous Material Abatement
P X02.1 Manage Asbestos Hazards
X02.2 Manage Lead Hazards
X02.3 Manage Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Hazards
X03. Exterior Materials and Structures
P X03.1 Ensure Acceptable Structures
X03.2 Manage Exterior Paint and Soil
X04. Waste Management
O X04.1 / 1 Points Manage Hazardous Waste
X05. In-Place Management
O X05.1 / 2 Points Manage Hazardous Materials
X06. Site Remediation
O X06.1 / 2 Points Implement Site Assessment and Cleanup
X07. Pesticide Use
O X07.1 / 1 Points Manage Pesticides
X08. Hazardous Material Reduction
O X08.1 / 1 Points Limit Hazardous Materials
X09. Cleaning Products and Protocol
O X09.1 / 1 Points Ensure Acceptable Cleaning Ingredients
X09.2 / 1 Points Implement Acceptable Cleaning Practices
X10. Volatile Compound Reduction
O X10.1 / 2 Points Manage Volatile Organic Compounds
X10.2 / 1 Points Manage Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs)
X10.3 / 1 Points Purchase Compliant Products
X11. Long-Term Emission Control
O X11.1 / 2 Points Manage Furniture and Furnishings Emissions
X11.2 / 1 Points Manage Flooring and Insulation Emissions
X12. Short-Term Emission Control
O X12.1 / 3 Points Manage Product Emissions: Adhesives, Sealants, Paints and Coatings
X12.2 / 2 Points Manage Product Content: Adhesives, Sealants, Paints and Coatings
X13. Enhanced Material Precaution
O X13.1 / 2 Points Select Optimized Materials
X14. Material Transparency
O X14.1 / 2 Points Promote Ingredient Disclosure
MIND – GEISTIGE GESUNDHEIT: Förderung des kognitiven und emotionalen Wohlbefindens durch eine passende physische Umgebung.
M01. Mental Health Promotion
P M01.1 Commit to Mental Health Promotion
M01.2 Promote Mental Health Literacy
M02. Access to Nature
P M02.1 / 1 Points Provide Access to Nature
M03. Mental Health Support
O M03.1 / 1 Points Provide Mental Health Screening
M03.2 / 1 Points Provide Mental Health Coverage
M03.3 / 1 Points Provide Workplace Support
M04. Mental Health Education
O M04.1 / 1 Points Offer Mental Health Education
M04.2 / 1 Points Offer Mental Health Education for Managers
M05. Stress Support
O M05.1 / 1 Points Develop Stress Management Plan
M05.2 / 1 Points Support Stress Management Programs
M06. Restorative Opportunities
O M06.1 / 1 Points Provide Micro- and Macro-Breaks
M07. Restorative Spaces
O M07.1 / 1 Points Provide Restorative Indoor Spaces
M07.2 / 1 Points Provide Restorative Outdoor Spaces
M08. Restorative Programming
O M08.1 / 1 Points Provide Restorative Programming
M09. Enhanced Access to Nature
O M09.1 / 1 Points Provide Enhanced Access to Nature
M10. Focus Support
O M10.1 / 1 Points Assess Work Environment
M10.2 / 1 Points Integrate Space Management
M11. Sleep Support
O M11.1 / 1 Points Provide Workplace Sleep Support
M11.2 / 1 Points Provide Non-Workplace Sleep Support
M12. Business Travel
O M12.1 / 1 Points Provide Business Travel Support
M13. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation
O M13.1 / 1 Points Promote Tobacco Prevention
M13.2 / 2 Points Support Tobacco Cessation
M14. Substance Use Education and Services
O M14.1 / 1 Points Promote Substance Abuse Prevention and Education
M14.2 / 2 Points Provide Access to Substance Use Services
M15. Opioid Emergency Response Plan
O M15.1 / 3 Points Provide Opioid Emergency Response Kits and Training
COMMUNITY – GEMEINSCHAFT:  Zugang zu grundlegender Gesundheitsversorgung, Schaffen einer Gesundheitskultur, die den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der Bevölkerung gerecht wird und der Aufbau einer integrativen, engagierten Nutzergemeinschaft.
C01. Health and Wellness Awareness
P C01.1 Provide WELL Feature Guide
C01.2 Promote Health and Wellness Education
C02. Integrative Design
P C02.1 Facilitate Stakeholder Charrette
C02.2 Integrate Beauty and Design
C02.3 Promote Health-Oriented Mission
C02.4 Facilitate Stakeholder Orientation
C03. Occupant Survey
P C03.1 Select Project Survey
C03.2 Administer Survey and Report Results
C04. Enhanced Occupant Survey
O C04.1 / 1 Points Select Enhanced Survey
C04.2 / 1 Points Administer Pre-Occupancy Survey and Report Results
C04.3 / 1 Points Monitor and Analyze Survey Responses
C04.4 / 1 Points Facilitate Interviews, Focus Groups and/or Observation
C05. Health Services and Benefits
O C05.1 / 2 Points Promote Health Benefits
C05.2 / 1 Points Offer On-Demand Health Services
C06. Health Promotion
O C06.1 / 2 Points Promote Culture of Health
C06.2 / 1 Points Offer Health Risk Assessments
C07. Community Immunity
O C07.1 / 1 Points Promote Seasonal Flu Prevention
C07.2 / 1 Points Implement Immunization Schedule
C08. New Parent Support
O C08.1 / 3 Points Offer New Parent Leave
C08.2 / 1 Points Promote Workplace Support
C09. New Mother Support
O C09.1 / 1 Points Offer Workplace Breastfeeding Support
C09.2 / 2 Points Design Lactation Room
C09.3 / 1 Points Promote Breastfeeding Education and Support
C10. Family Support
O C10.1 / 1 Points Offer Childcare Support
C10.2 / 1 Points Offer Eldercare Support
C10.3 / 1 Points Offer Family Leave
C10.4 / 1 Points Offer Bereavement Support
C11. Civic Engagement
O C11.1 / 1 Points Promote Civic Engagement
C12. Organizational Transparency
O C12.1 / 2 Points Promote Equity Program Participation
C13. Accessibility and Universal Design
O C13.1 / 1 Points Ensure Essential Accessibility
C13.2 / 2 Points Integrate Universal Design
C14. Bathroom Accommodations
O C14.1 / 1 Points Provide Essential Accommodations
C14.2 / 1 Points Provide Single-User Bathrooms
C14.3 / 1 Points Provide Family Bathrooms
C15. Emergency Preparedness
O C15.1 / 1 Points Develop Emergency Preparedness Plan
C15.2 / 2 Points Promote Emergency Resources
C16. Community Access and Engagement
O C16.1 / 1 Points Provide Community Space
INNOVATIONS – INNOVATIONEN: Extra Punkte für die Entwicklung neuer einzigartiger Strategien zur Schaffung gesünderer Umgebungen, die nicht bereits in den zehn WELL-Kategorien enthalten sind.
I01. Innovate WELL
O I01.1 / 10 Points Propose Innovations
I02. WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP)
O I02.1 / 1 Points WELL AP
I03. Educate WELL
O I03.1 / 1 Points Offer WELL Educational Tours
I04. Gateways to Wellness
O I04.1 / 1 Points Complete Health and Wellness Program
I05. Green Building Rating Systems
O I05.1 / 5 Points Achieve Sustainable Building Certification
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