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Assessment service now also available for DGNB interiors and EU taxonomy

Assessment-Service nun auch für DGNB Innenräume und EU-Taxonomie verfügbar

In addition to the taxonomy check for building products, this year Building Material Scout also launched the assessment service for DGNB Interiors available. In the area of building assessment, manufacturers can use the database to assess building products according to the requirements of the DGNB, DGNB Indoor, LEED, BREEAM, Well, BNB and the requirements of the EU taxonomy/ESG and users can filter the building products accordingly.

The DGNB certificate for interiors is awarded to spaces that actively promote the health, ergonomics, well-being and performance of users through the way they are designed. The conscious use of financial resources, the careful use of resources and the use of low-emission products are also rewarded. The DGNB system for interiors is to be understood as a guide to environmentally friendly, health-conscious and more economical interior fittings.

The Building Material Scout makes it easier for you to find suitable building products and thus supports you in the successful certification of your building project. Criteria from the areas of ecological quality, economic quality, socio-cultural and functional quality, technical quality and process quality are relevant for the DGNB Interiors certificate. The Building Material Scout focuses on ecological quality.

DGNB interiors: assessment criteria

Ecological quality: Assessment of the impact of buildings on the environment, resource consumption and waste generation.

  • Environmental impacts over the life cycle (ENV1.1)
  • Risks to the local environment (ENV1.2)
  • Responsible resource extraction (ENV1.3)
  • Energy efficiency and climate protection (ENV1.8)

Economic quality: assessment of life cycle costs and value development.

  • Costs over the life cycle (ECO1.1)
  • Flexibility and convertibility (ECO2.1)

Sociocultural and functional quality: Assessment of the buildings in terms of health, comfort and user satisfaction as well as functionality.

  • Thermal comfort (SOC1.1)
  • Indoor air quality (SOC1.2)
  • Acoustic comfort (SOC1.3)
  • Visual comfort (SOC1.4)
  • Quality of stay (SOC1.6)
  • Health-promoting offers (SOC1.8)
  • Accessibility (SOC2.1)

Technical quality: Assessment of the quality of the technical execution with regard to relevant sustainability aspects.

  • Sound insulation (TEC1.2)
  • Easy to dismantle and recycle (TEC1.6)

Process quality: Assessment of the quality of planning and construction.

  • Project preparation and planning (PRO1.1)
  • Process for creative conception (PRO1.6)
  • Conceptual design and requirements for optimal use (PRO1.8)
  • Construction site / construction process (PRO2.1)
  • User communication (PRO2.4)

The DGNB certificate for interiors is available for new buildings, but also for existing buildings, conversions and renovations.

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